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Practical Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Evaluation Practice , March 2025

Practical Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Evaluation Practice , March 2025

Organisation : EnCompass LLC
Highlights Calendar Icon Date de l'événement : 2025-03-12

Are you eager to begin using artificial intelligence (AI) tools to enhance your evaluation practice, but unsure about what tools to use and when? This course offers a hands-on approach to harnessing the power of AI for optimizing evaluation practices. Participants will gain practical experience with AI tools and techniques, learning to implement and integrate them into real-world evaluation scenarios. The session will cover the types of tools and technologies available in the market, ways to assess these tools, and considerations related to ethics and privacy. Demos, case studies and small group work, will prepare participants to begin using AI tools to support evaluation design, data capture/analysis, and reporting. The course showcases a range of tools and focuses on the possibilities and considerations evaluators must think through when deciding whether and how to use them. By the end of the course, participants will be equipped to leverage AI technologies to deliver more accurate and impactful evaluation outcomes. This program is delivered in one virtual, instructor-led module that will take place online via Zoom. Each participant who completes the course will receive a certificate of completion. We hope to see you online soon! Please contact us with any questions at learningcenter@encompassworld.com. Module 1: Practical Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Evaluation Practice March 12, 1 p.m.–4 p.m. EDT

  • Date limite de l'inscription : 2025-03-11
  • Lien à l'inscription : https://cvent.me/nvwk7R
  • Courriel de contact : learningcenter@encompassworld.com
  • Compétences : Pratique réflexive, Pratique technique