Meet Our Members

A Great Career

In 1989, I won the CES Student Essay Competition and a free trip to that year’s conference in Toronto. So I joined CES under a student membership. I realized there and then that everything my then professor and mentor, CES Fellow Dr. Anita Myers, had said about evaluation was true – it is a great career opportunity.

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Conferences and Connections

I joined CES in 2007 to meet other evaluators and continue my learning about program evaluation.

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Opportunities for Connection and Advancement

I joined CES in 2004 as a graduate student in the Ontario Chapter for professional development and networking opportunities. I then joined the Alberta and Northwest Territories Chapter when I moved to Edmonton to begin a faculty position in 2008.

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Competence and Support

I joined CES in 2009 to be part of a community of evaluation professionals and engage in professional development

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