Welcome to the Canadian Evaluation Society

With a community of over 1,400 members across the country and abroad, we provide a home for people working in the field of evaluation to connect and grow, so they can have a greater impact on everyone they serve.

Connect and Grow
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How We Help Group of People

How We Help Evaluators

  • Annual National Conference
  • Chapter Events Icon Chapter Events
  • Mentorship
  • Job Postings
  • CE Designation Icon CE Designation
  • Weekly Member e-Blasts
  • e-Institute
  • Webinars Icon Webinars
  • Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation
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Professional Development

Learn Where and When You Want

Elevate your evaluation skills with the CES e-Institute, offering self-paced and facilitated courses designed by evaluators for evaluators.

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CE Designation horizontal squiggle

The CE designation is the only professional title identifying professional evaluators.

The designation means that the holder has provided evidence of the education and experience required to be a competent evaluator. It is a service provided by CES to its members, who may elect to become credentialed on a voluntary basis. It recognizes competence and promotes continuous learning within our community.

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Evaluation Knowledge 

CJPE Article

CJPE Article

Authors:Betty Onyura, Emilia Main, Claudia Barned, Alexandra Wong, Tin D. Vo, Nivetha Chandran, Nazi Torabi, Deena M. Hamza

The “What” and “Why” of (Un) Ethical Evaluation Practice: A Meta-Narrative Review and Ethical Awareness Framework

There is growing recognition of the complex moral and ethical tensions associated with evaluation practice. However, there are scant evidence-informed frameworks for cultivating ethical awareness or informing ethical deliberation across the evaluation landscape. Thus, we aimed to synthesize research evidence on evaluation ethics, and draw on these findings to develop an evidence-informed evaluation ethics framework.

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People Discussing of Grey Literature

Grey Literature

Authors: Samuel KOUAKOU et al

Utilisation de données probantes dans la prise de décision : améliorations de la pratique d’évaluation du développement en Afrique grâce au courtage

Les prémices de l’Organisation internationale de coopération en matière d’évaluation datent de 1997. Elles sont le fruit de l’initiative de plusieurs associations nationales d’évaluation qui permettent alors de placer l’évaluation au cœur des débats internationaux.

Past Webinars

Past Webinars

Presenter: Celeste Ghiano, PhD

Alternative Evaluation: A Tapestry of Perspectives to Nurture the Culture of Evaluation

How about really shaking up the foundations of Evaluation practice? In this initiative, we believe that changing practices begins with changing concepts and understanding contexts, bringing new (and not at all new) ontologies, to change epistemologies and transform methodologies.

Latest News

2025 CES National Conference - Workshops- Inclusive and Equitable Evaluation using a Theory of Change

Calendar Icon 2025-03-26

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2025 CES National Conference - Workshops- Inclusive and Equitable Evaluation using a Theory of Change

As evaluators, we are accountable for respectfully and equitably analyzing projects and programs.

Reminder: CES Vice-President Nomination Review & Election

Calendar Icon 2025-03-26

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Reminder: CES Vice-President Nomination Review & Election

The nomination review period for the next CES Vice-President (2025/26-2026/27) is now open.

Register to C2025 sooner rather than later

Calendar Icon 2025-03-24

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Register to C2025 sooner rather than later

Remember that there are clear limits to the number of people who can access workshops.

Why you should attend the 2025 conference

Calendar Icon 2025-03-18

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Why you should attend the 2025 conference

2025 CES National Conference

CES Vice-President Nominations Review & Upcoming Vote

Calendar Icon 2025-03-17

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CES Vice-President Nominations Review & Upcoming Vote

Voting will be open for a period of 3-weeks, starting on Wednesday, March 26th

2025 CES National Conference - Workshops- miywatoskêwin: Doing Good

Calendar Icon 2025-03-14

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2025 CES National Conference - Workshops- miywatoskêwin: Doing Good

Participants will learn about key principles such as respect, reciprocity, and responsibility, and how these inform evaluation design and implementation at a City level.

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Benefits of Membership

Self-Paced & Facilitated Training

Whether you are new to evaluation or a seasoned professional, the e-Institute offers special member pricing on the courses you need to build your career in evaluation.

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Continuous Learning

The field of evaluation is constantly evolving. We offer a variety of webinars and events throughout the year as well as the Annual National Conference to stay on top of current trends.

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Professional Recognition

Our Credentialed Evaluator (CE) designation demonstrates your commitment to professionalism and inspires the confidence of your clients and organizations.

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Career Advancement

Check out current job and contract opportunities, as well as a wide variety of networking opportunities, to help you build and expand your career.

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Join a community of evaluation professionals from across Canada at the Annual National Conference, a webinar or a local event to strengthen your network.

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Discounts & Benefits

The cost of membership will be offset as you take advantage of the discounts you receive on our growing list of events and services you need.

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People Researching

Ready to Get Involved?

  • Orange Conference Icon Volunteer locally or nationally
  • Red Chapter Icon Find or become a mentor
  • Green Mentorship Icon. Become a speaker
  • Job Posting Icon Submit a Journal article
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Accidental Evaluator Story

Meet Our Members

Pursuing Excellence in Evaluation

After being introduced to program evaluation during my Masters of Sociology Studies at the University of Manitoba, I decided to pursue a career in evaluation, which led me to CES in 2017.

I’ve been actively involved in my CES Chapter, having volunteered as the Professional Development Chair, Chapter Vice-President and President and, most recently, Co-Chair of the National CES Conference in 2022. From these various roles, I have continued to learn about good governance, and how to facilitate and participate in helpful professional development opportunities, and have become more cognizant of the dynamic field of evaluation. Furthermore, I received my Credentialed Evaluator (CE) designation in 2018. Becoming a CE has opened multiple career opportunities for me in the private, public and not-for-profit sectors pertaining to employment opportunities and promotions. With that said, the most valuable aspect of my membership with CES has been the professional relationships and friendships that I have formed.

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