Continue Your Learning in 2024 with the CES e-Institute
Highlights Calendar Icon January 29, 2024

Continue Your Learning in 2024 with the CES e-Institute

If professional development is one of your new year’s resolutions, we’ve got you covered! Check out our e-Institute course offerings.

Self-paced Courses

Increase your evaluation knowledge and skills anytime, anywhere with our offerings of self-paced courses.

  • NEW! Stats in Excel 2: Inferential Statistics: This self-paced course provides step-by-step instructions and best practices for performing common inferential statistical analyses using Microsoft Excel. You will learn some of the most common analyses used in evaluations including how to find associations between variables, testing for a linear relationship between variables, and comparing groups.
  • Bundle price: We offer a discount of $100 off Stats in Excel 2 if you purchase both Stats in Excel 1 and 2 together. If you have previously purchased Stats in Excel 1, you are also eligible for the discount. Contact to take advantage of this offer.
  • Stats in Excel 1: Tidy Data Sets & Descriptive Statistics: Learn how to set up your spreadsheets, clean your data, choose appropriate analyses, and conduct common descriptive statistics in Microsoft Excel. This self-paced course offers best practices and step-by-step instructions for getting the most out of your data in Excel.
  • Introduction to Economic Evaluation: This self-paced course helps evaluators understand four commonly used economic evaluation methods. You will learn about the key concepts underlying cost inclusive evaluations and will have ample opportunities to apply them to case studies and other exercises.
  • Essential Skills Series: Learn the fundamentals of evaluation – the course provides instruction on how to plan and conduct an evaluation and covers the evaluation landscape in Canada including evaluation standards, competencies, and guidance for ethical practice. You’ll have the opportunity to solidify your learning by working through an evaluation planning case study throughout the course!
  • Evaluation Theories and Models: Learn how evaluation theory can improve your work – this course is for people who understand the fundamentals of evaluation, but are not well versed in evaluation theory, models, or frameworks. Drawing on the evaluation theory tree, the course provides examples from each of the four families of theories, and allows you to plan an evaluation from each theory family.
  • Survey Methods: Learn about one of the most commonly used methods in evaluation – This course provides step-by-step instructions for designing surveys, developing questions, preparing for the analysis of survey data, and reporting. A case study allows you to practice the concepts and techniques introduced in the course.

Facilitated Courses

Learn with others and get personalized feedback on your progress with our facilitated courses.

  • Truth & Reconciliation for Evaluators: Actively engage with Truth and Reconciliation with two live, facilitated sessions and three self-paced modules on: 1) the history and lasting impact of the Canadian Indian residential school system on Indigenous students and their families, and 2) guidance on how evaluation practices can advance Truth & Reconciliation. The next cohort begins in April and space is limited to 25 participants. Registration will open in March.
  • Survey Methods Plus: Looking for individualized support to take your survey skills to the next level? This course offers a facilitated version of the Survey Methods course. You learn a step-by-step approach to designing and deploying surveys and work on and receive personalized feedback on your own survey.  The next cohort begins in March and space is limited to 15 participants (with a minimum of 5 participants required). Registration is now open.

Discounts Available

The discounts we offer on our e-Institute course are as follows:

  • 20% off for CES members
  • 30% off for those who have obtained the CES's Certified Evaluator designation
  • 25% off for groups of 10 or more

Note that discounts cannot be stacked. Where you are entitled to more than one e-Institute discount, the larger discount will apply.

Visit the e-Institute now.