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Truth and Reconciliation for Evaluators

This course offers evaluators an opportunity to actively engage with Truth and Reconciliation. It covers the history and lasting impact of the Canadian Indian residential school system on Indigenous students and their families, and offers guidance on how evaluation practices can advance Truth & Reconciliation.

It was created through a partnership with Hotıì ts’eeda, and Indigenous evaluators Dr. Kim van der Woerd and Sofia Vitalis of Reciprocal Consulting, an award-winning, Indigenous-run consulting firm specializing in evaluation and research.

Course Objectives

By the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Recognize the truth and impact of racism and colonization on Indigenous peoples in Canada;
  • Recognize the ways colonial worldviews can affect the entire evaluation process;
  • Use principles of cultural safety to engage with evaluation clients throughout the whole evaluation process; and
  • Use reflection to examine your practices and worldviews and take steps to practice active reconciliation.

This course will be offered four times per year and is limited to 25 people per cohort.

Cohort Language Registration Open Introductory Session Reflection Session
Spring 2025 English March 6 April 15
3-4pm ET / 12-1pm PT
Summer 2025 English June 5 July 15
1-2 pm ET/ 10-11 am PT
Fall 2025 English August 13 September 11
3-4pm ET/12-1pm PT

This course includes self-directed material and two facilitated Zoom sessions. You will be required to attend both facilitated Zoom sessions as part of this course to receive your Certificate of Completion.

The first is a one-hour live Zoom Introductory Session, where you are introduced to the course creators, course materials and the path for your Truth & Reconciliation journey. There second is a two-hour live Zoom closing Reflection Session, which will draw on the reflections and activities you have completed in the first three modules. You are invited to record your responses and reflection on your own computer or in a notebook or journal. You will need to be able to access your reflections and responses in the live two-hour Reflection Session.

Estimated Time to Complete: 10 hours

Prerequisites: Prior knowledge of evaluation

Evaluation Competencies addressed: [x] reflective; [x] technical; [x] situational; [x] management; [x] interpersonal

Note: For all courses on the e-Institute, you will be granted access once payment is received in full. For facilitated cohorts, you have three months from the first live session to complete the course.

Truth and Reconciliation for Evaluators


Under Development

Qualitative Data Analysis 

This self-paced course covers all aspects of qualitative data analysis including creating an analytic framework, creating a codebook, coding data, selecting software to analyze qualitative data, increasing the trustworthiness of the analysis, and presenting qualitative data in reports.

Systems Evaluation: Theory & Practice

Interventions are becoming increasingly complex as designers adopt holistic approaches to solving social problems. This course covers how to know whether a systems approach is right for the intervention you are evaluating, define the complex intervention for evaluation purposes, and evaluate its interdependencies and emergent properties.