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Survey Methods Plus

Are you looking for individualized support to take your survey skills to the next level?

This course offers a step-by-step approach to designing and deploying surveys and allows you to work on and receive personalized feedback on your own survey.

Drawing on the self-paced Survey Methods course, this cohort includes six self-paced online modules, five 60-minute online sessions, and additional exercises to help you improve the design and implementation of your own survey.

Each live session will include a Q&A with survey experts and an opportunity to dive deeper into best practices and common challenges. These sessions will be held in English, but you can review the course materials and submit your practice exercises in English or French.

Course Schedule

This page will be updated once the dates for the next cohort are available. All sessions will run from 12:00-1:00 pm Eastern Time. You will receive Zoom links for the sessions closer to the start date.

Date Topic Modules Assignments
To be confirmed Introduction N/A Introduction to the course
To be confirmed Survey plan 1 Survey plan: evaluation questions, evaluation matrix (as pertains to survey-relevant indicators), survey strategy (mode)

Assignment due date: To be confirmed

To be confirmed Sampling plan 2 Sampling plan

Assignment due date: To be confirmed

To be confirmed Questionnaire design 3 Questionnaire: indicator-question matrix, questionnaire

Assignment due date: To be confirmed

To be confirmed Survey management and reporting 4, 5, 6 Management plan: pretest, monitoring approach, response rate management, reporting plan

Assignment due date: To be confirmed


This course is facilitated by the two survey experts who created the original Survey Methods self-paced course.

Benoît Gauthier, a Canadian Evaluation Society (CES) Credentialed Evaluator, has been a Government of Canada internal evaluator and a private consultant. Schooled in political science and public administration, he specialises in program evaluation, in strategic and organizational research and intervention, in market research, in applied social research and in policy analysis. Since 1984, Benoît was involved in more than 500 research and intervention assignments and 100 evaluation projects, with emphasis on health research, copyright, arts and culture, technology, client satisfaction, and management information systems.

He has taught social research methodology at Carleton University, the Quebec National School of Public Administration, the University of Ottawa, and the University of Quebec in Hull. He is an Adjunct Professor at Carleton University and an Honorary Fellow of the Charles Darwin University. He was the editor of the first six editions of the textbook entitled Recherche sociale (Social Research), an introduction to social research. Benoît is a strong believer in the power of collective action and has focussed his volunteer work on national and international volunteer organizations for professional evaluation. He is a CES Fellow and has received the CES Service Award, the CES-NCC Leadership Recognition Award, the CES Award for Contribution to Evaluation in Canada, and the CESEF Award for Contribution to Research on Evaluation Practice.

Simon Roy is a seasoned evaluator and social researcher, and is currently a senior associate at Goss Gilroy Inc. Over the last 25 years, Simon has conducted evaluations of programs, projects, initiatives and policies in multiple areas, including training and HR development, natural resources, science and R&D, culture, economic development, health, education and Indigenous programming. He also conducted multiple research and management consulting assignments. Simon has designed and implemented hundreds of surveys of various populations, including workers, business owners, students, public servants and many others. He also teaches evaluation and research methods part-time at Ottawa University and the Quebec National School of Public Administration.

For the CES, he co-designed the first iteration of the CES logic model course and the latest version of the CES survey course. He delivered multiple courses and workshops for the CES, including the ESS, logic model and survey courses. Simon has held multiple executive positions at local and national boards. He currently sits on the CES Credentialing Board. Simon received the CES-NCC Leadership Recognition Award, the CES Award for Contribution to Evaluation in Canada, and the CES Award for Contribution to Research on Evaluation Practice. He published many articles and book chapters in his areas of interests. Simon is a CES credentialed evaluator and has a Ph.D. in Sociology (University of Paris-10).

Course Objectives

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Plan a survey based on the measurement objectives and existing constraints;
  • Develop an appropriate sampling plan;
  • Design surveys that are free from bias and meet the identified information needs;
  • Manage the implementation of a survey; and
  • Develop a simple analysis plan for the survey data.

Estimated time to complete: 10 hours

Prerequisites: Knowledge of evaluation planning

Evaluation Competencies addressed: [ ] reflective; [x] technical; [x] situational; [ ] management; [ ] interpersonal.

Note: For all courses on the e-Institute, you will be granted access once payment is received in full. For facilitated cohorts, you have three months from the first live session to complete the course.

Survey Methods Plus


Under Development

Qualitative Data Analysis 

This self-paced course covers all aspects of qualitative data analysis including creating an analytic framework, creating a codebook, coding data, selecting software to analyze qualitative data, increasing the trustworthiness of the analysis, and presenting qualitative data in reports.

Systems Evaluation: Theory & Practice

Interventions are becoming increasingly complex as designers adopt holistic approaches to solving social problems. This course covers how to know whether a systems approach is right for the intervention you are evaluating, define the complex intervention for evaluation purposes, and evaluate its interdependencies and emergent properties.