Please provide your information

Please provide the candidates following information

Nomination packages must include:

• A succinct nomination letter outlining the reasons why the nominee is worthy of this honour;

• Four (4) additional supporting letters, that address specific contributions of the nominee to the field of evaluation in Canada first and foremost, as well as internationally, if applicable; and

• A current, abbreviated curriculum vitae of the nominee (maximum 15 pages).

At least one of the supporting letters or the nomination letter must come from a CES Fellow. Packages are limited to 25 pages (12-point font) including the letters and candidate’s CV. Successful candidates will receive a copy of their nomination package.

Letters of nomination and support and CVs can be sent via email or via mail as follows:


Mail: CES Fellowship, Canadian Evaluation Society, 2 – 555 Hall Ave E, Renfrew, ON, K7V 4M7

All materials must be received by January 31, 2024.

Maximum size 15 MB