Explore Diverse Perspectives on Evaluation at the National Conference in May
Highlights Calendar Icon March 11, 2024

Explore Diverse Perspectives on Evaluation at the National Conference in May

At the heart of the CES National Conference in Fredericton, New Brunswick, is a rich tapestry of workshops and presentations designed to immerse you in diverse perspectives on evaluation.

Engage in thought-provoking discussions on equity, engagement, and innovative evaluation methods. Participate in workshops such as "A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words,” "Using Two-Eyed Seeing," and “Measuring the Invisible” where you'll gain practical insights and explore new approaches to evaluation.

The 100+ workshops and presentations provide the opportunity to tailor your conference experience to your specific interests. Immerse yourself in the vast knowledge shared by experts in the field and engage in conversations that will leave a lasting impact on your professional journey.

We look forward to hearing your unique perspectives in this dynamic exchange of ideas on timely evaluation topics.

Register now to join us in New Brunswick from May 5-8! Early-bird pricing ends April 5.