Join Us for Transformative Keynotes at CES National Conference
Highlights Calendar Icon March 18, 2024

Join Us for Transformative Keynotes at CES National Conference

The CES National Conference in Fredericton, New Brunswick, this May will explore the theme of "Renewal and Confluence: Navigating the Future of Evaluation," which us to reflect on how evaluation can adapt and evolve in a changing world while embracing diverse perspectives and approaches.

We will have over 100 workshops and presentations to guide us on this journey, as well as our transformative keynotes and plenary:

  • May 6: Dr. Roland Chrisjohn is an Oneida of the League of the Haudenausaunee. He has been both practitioner and academic for well over 50 years, with a wealth of knowledge and expertise in Indigenous matters. His profound insights and extensive background make him a compelling speaker, whose presentation will challenge the pervasive portrayal of narratology as an essentially Indigenous form of empirical inquiry..
  • May 7: Patricia Rogers founded BetterEvaluation over a decade ago as an international collaboration to create, share and support use of knowledge about how to better plan, manage, conduct and use evaluation. Her leadership in the field of evaluation is exemplary, and her perspectives on driving positive change through evaluation methodologies are not to be missed.
  • May 8: The interactive plenary, “Questioning and Navigating Ethics in Evaluation,” will raise critical questions about what matters most - ethically and morally - in evaluation practice. Panelists will draw on their practices, research, and experiences to highlight key ethical challenges and priorities in evaluation practice today. This will include discussion of the evolution of CES ethics noting key developments in mapping core professional values integral to ethical evaluation practice in Canada. Panelists will facilitate interactive discussion on practical applications of tools and frameworks that can help evaluators identify and address ethical concerns.

Prepare to be inspired, challenged, and enlightened. Don't miss out on this chance to expand your horizons and connect with the leading minds in the field!

Register now to join your peers in New Brunswick from May 5-8! Early-bird pricing ends April 5.