Have You Registered for Truth & Reconciliation for Evaluators?
Highlights Calendar Icon September 2, 2024

Have You Registered for Truth & Reconciliation for Evaluators?

Registration is open for the next cohort of the CES e-Institute course Truth & Reconciliation for Evaluators!

This facilitated cohort gives you the opportunity to actively engage with Truth and Reconciliation. It covers the history and lasting impact of the Canadian Indian residential school system on Indigenous students and their families, and offers guidance on how evaluation practices can advance Truth & Reconciliation. It was created through a partnership with Hotıì ts’eeda.

“I appreciated the facilitators holding space for me and accommodating me. Thank you.”

- Recent participant

This course is offered through small-group, facilitated cohorts led by Reciprocal Consulting, an award-winning, Indigenous-run consulting firm specializing in evaluation and research.

Space is limited to 25 learners per cohort. Learn more and register for the course.

As with all e-Institute courses, CES members get a 20% discount, and CEs get a 30% discount.