3 Reasons to Attend the National Conference
Highlights Calendar Icon April 15, 2024

3 Reasons to Attend the National Conference

Whether you are a public servant, consultant, practitioner, educator, researcher or evaluation user, this event is for you! From inspirational keynotes that remind you why you are passionate about your work to the 100+  workshops and presentations from expert speakers and practitioners to built-in moments to connect with fellow attendees, there’s something for everyone.

Here are three reasons to register now.


Empirical research typically categorizes data as quantitative (continuous variation) and qualitative (discrete variation). The distinction is neither hard nor fast, nor does it entail a great divide between the mathematical and philosophical sophistication demanded by each approach. Contemporary "qualitative analysis," though borrowing its name from discrete data analysis, is, in actuality, a form of hermeneutics or narratology, presenting itself as an empirical yet non-quantitative approach to research. This presentation will not delve into justifying this interpretation, but rather, will challenge the pervasive portrayal of narratology as an essentially Indigenous form of empirical inquiry.

Successfully navigating an increasingly uncertain and unpredictable future requires significant changes to evaluation theory and practice to better support the collaboration, learning and adaptation needed. This keynote will highlight some of the important ideas, principles and examples that need to be brought together, including theories of change that better represent interventions in complex systems; prioritizing evaluative inquiry as part of planning and implementation, including more rapid and real-time evaluation; more support to choose an appropriate combination of methods, processes and evidence for evaluation; using rubrics and global scales to synthesize diverse evidence; and embedding attention to equity and environmental sustainability in all evaluation.

This interactive plenary panel raises critical questions about what matters most – ethically and morally – in evaluation practice. Panelists will draw on their practices, research, and experiences to highlight key ethical challenges and priorities in evaluation practice today. This will include discussion of the evolution of CES ethics noting key developments in mapping core professional values integral to ethical evaluation practice in Canada. Panelists will facilitate interactive discussion on practical applications of tools and frameworks that can help evaluators identify and address ethical concerns.


With topics spanning from information to improve your daily practice up to leadership, there’s value for everyone. Our diverse line-up of over 100 sessions includes:

  • Truth and Reconciliation: Developing Evaluation Tools and Practices that Challenge the Status Quo
  • Sustainability-inclusive Evaluation: Why We Need It and How to Do It
  • It's 10 PM: Do You Know Where Your Program Dollars Are?”
  • What You Think Program Funds are Doing inside Canadian Households, versus What They are Really Doing
  • Sharing an Internal Evaluator’s Experience in Embedding Evaluative Thinking Through Ongoing Use of Evidence in Real Time
  • Building Bridges: Tips and Tricks for Going from Evaluation Findings to Organizational Change
  • Did Anyone Even Read This? Embedding Learnings from Knowledge Translation to Increase Evaluation Impact


As incredible as the learning is at the Conference, the thing attendees remember the most are the moments in between at the many social activities with their fellow delegates. Share your experience with people who understand. Get to know colleagues from across the country in real life, rather than just over a virtual call. Finally get to meet that industry expert you’ve always admired. You’ll leave with a bigger and better network than when you arrived, which open doors to new opportunities, collaborations, and insights.

Explore the detailed program and download the Delegate Guide (PDF) to plan your experience and make the most out of the event.

Registration closes on May 2 and hotels rooms are selling out! Register now to reserve your spot.