Open Invitation to Join Our New Community of Interest in Teaching and Training in Evaluation
Highlights Calendar Icon February 28, 2024

Open Invitation to Join Our New Community of Interest in Teaching and Training in Evaluation

We invite all CES members interested in teaching and training program evaluation to join our new Community of Interest (CI).

This new CI is aimed to encourage open discussion, create shared practices, and improve the teaching of program evaluation. It is also a way for members to access cutting-edge teaching approaches and tools as part of training the next generation of evaluators. Finally, it aims to create opportunities to develop the latest course materials and learn from those members regularly engaged in teaching and training.

We are particularly interested in attracting members of the Consortium of Universities for Evaluation Education (CUEE), who are interested in connecting with professional practitioners to encourage innovative course instruction and materials.

There may also be opportunities to develop research projects aimed at pedagogical innovation in program evaluation and performance measurement.

The CI will meet at least three times annually, including the possibility of holding dedicated sessions at the annual conference.

We plan to hold our first session in the Spring of 2024. It will focus on potential activities the CI might carry out especially as these relate to connecting college and university members with practitioners engaged in teaching and training.

If you are interested in joining the Teaching in Evaluation Community of Interest, please fill out this form.