C2024: Exploring the Theme of Renewal and Confluence
Highlights Calendar Icon January 2, 2024

C2024: Exploring the Theme of Renewal and Confluence

The theme of this year’s National Conference, “Renewal and Confluence: Navigating the Future of Evaluation,” invites us to reflect on how evaluation can adapt and evolve in a changing world while embracing diverse perspectives and approaches.

“Both myself and my co-chair Michelle connected with the ideas of renewal and confluence as they relate to the discipline,” explains Mollie Coombs, 2024 Conference Co-Chair. “Evaluation is an evolving practice, constantly folding in new ideas and perspectives. We also felt it important to tie the conference theme back to the local area, so the water imagery pays homage to the beautiful Wolastoq river, which runs through this area.”

“Confluence can be defined as the junction of two rivers or the process of coming together,” adds Co-Chair Michelle Anderson-Draper. “This made us think of how our conference is a forum to come together. The term confluence, along with renewal and the sub-themes, resonated with people. So we hope this theme sparks delegates to explore the concepts and find a meaning that fits for them and within their work.”

Be a part of the engaging, challenging and rewarding discussions. Join us at the CES National Conference, May 5 to 8, in Fredericton, New Brunswick. Find out more here.