Last Call: Apply Now for Scholarships Being Offered by CESEF for the Graduate Scholarship Program
Highlights Calendar Icon December 13, 2023

Last Call: Apply Now for Scholarships Being Offered by CESEF for the Graduate Scholarship Program

The Graduate Scholarship Program seeks to support the development of theory and practice of program evaluation by facilitating access to education and training to those working in or wishing to work in the field of program evaluation. To this end, the CESEF is offering the Universalia Charles Lusthaus Scholarship and the PRA Rita Gunn Scholarship, each valued at $5,000.


Although CESEF’s objectives are specific to program evaluation, the objectives of this Scholarship Program are meant to be broader than just program evaluation, and are meant to:  

  • Support Graduate students in evaluation to develop research skills while undertaking graduate learning 
  • Increase Graduate students’ capacity to:
    • learn about evaluation theory and practice; 
    • build the capacity to acquire the designation of Credentialed Evaluator; and/or 
    • pursue careers in evaluation.

The application deadline is 4:30PM (EST) on December 15, 2023. 


To access the application and related details about the Postgraduate Scholarship Program application process, please visit:


We wish to thank Universalia for establishing the Universalia Charles Lusthaus Scholarship and PRA for creating the PRA Rita Gunn Scholarship.