Introducing Our New Website
Highlights Calendar Icon February 15, 2023

Introducing Our New Website

Our team is delighted to announce that the Canadian Evaluation Society (CES) has launched its new website. And it looks fantastic!

We now have a one-stop shop for all your professional development needs, online event calendars, the ability to edit your profile page and so much more. We invite you to take a look.

As part of the update, we’ve also enhanced security protocols to protect your information. Your username is still your email but you’ll need to create a new password. You’ll get an email tomorrow with a link to create a new password. You can also click on “I forgot my username/password” on the login page.

We know everything may not be perfect quite yet. Rest assured that we’re still working to fix any bugs and add new features over the next few months. As you explore the new site, please let us know of any issues through our Contact Us page.

We would like to thank our amazing volunteers, who have been working around the clock for the last couple of months to deliver this exciting new experience:

RFP Working Group (2019 to 2021)
Chair: Sarah Farina
Krista Brower   
Harry Cummings          
Benoît Gauthier
Nicole Michaud
Doaa Saddek   
Marla Steinberg

AMS Working Group (2021 to present)
Lead: Marla Steinberg
Diane Billingsley
Harry Cummings
Benoît Gauthier
Stephen Kester
Beth Snow

Webpage Working Group (2022)
Lead: Marla Steinberg
Diane Billingsley
Krista Brower
Susan Hollett
Cassandra Parsons
Beth Snow