Truth and Reconciliation for Evaluator, beginning April 15
Highlights Calendar Icon March 14, 2025

Truth and Reconciliation for Evaluator, beginning April 15

This course offers evaluators an opportunity to actively engage with Truth and Reconciliation. It covers the history and lasting impact of the Canadian Indian residential school system on Indigenous students and their families, and offers guidance on how evaluation practices can advance Truth & Reconciliation.

It was created through a partnership with Hotıì ts’eeda, and Indigenous evaluators Dr. Kim van der Woerd and Sofia Vitalis of Reciprocal Consulting, an award-winning, Indigenous-run consulting firm specializing in evaluation and research.

Course Objectives. By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Recognize the truth and impact of racism and colonization on Indigenous peoples in Canada;
  • Recognize the ways colonial worldviews can affect the entire evaluation process;
  • Use principles of cultural safety to engage with evaluation clients throughout the whole evaluation process; and
  • Use reflection to examine your practices and worldviews and take steps to practice active reconciliation.

This course is offered four times per year and is limited to 25 people per cohort.