Meet Our Members

Ryan Catte (MA, CE)

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Ryan Catte
Highlights Calendar Icon Manager of Evaluation, Governance and Policy
Research Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Pursuing Excellence in Evaluation

Why did you Join CES?

After being introduced to program evaluation during my Masters of Sociology Studies at the University of Manitoba, I decided to pursue a career in evaluation, which led me to CES in 2017.

What do you value about CES?

I’ve been actively involved in my CES Chapter, having volunteered as the Professional Development Chair, Chapter Vice-President and President and, most recently, Co-Chair of the National CES Conference in 2022. From these various roles, I have continued to learn about good governance, and how to facilitate and participate in helpful professional development opportunities, and have become more cognizant of the dynamic field of evaluation. Furthermore, I received my Credentialed Evaluator (CE) designation in 2018. Becoming a CE has opened multiple career opportunities for me in the private, public and not-for-profit sectors pertaining to employment opportunities and promotions. With that said, the most valuable aspect of my membership with CES has been the professional relationships and friendships that I have formed.

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