Call for Abstracts: Conference of the GEF Independent Evaluation Office
Highlights Calendar Icon April 17, 2023

Call for Abstracts: Conference of the GEF Independent Evaluation Office

The Global Environment Facility (GEF) Independent Evaluation Office is gathering distinguished speakers and participants for two days – October 18 & 19, 2023 – of intensive discussions on the theme of integration between environmental domains, and between environmental and socioeconomic and policy domains, and what this means for evaluation.

Call for Abstracts

The 2023 Conference agenda will consist of plenary sessions, with keynote addresses and smaller parallel sessions, the format of which will be decided according to the submissions accepted.

We have launched a call for abstracts of proposed presentations and organized thematic sessions around one of the following themes:

  • Integrated perspectives to climate change, biodiversity conservation, and ecosystem services;
  • Climate change adaptation, resilience, and nature-based solutions;
  • Conflict, fragility, and environmental and social sustainability;
  • Indigenous perspectives to natural resources and the environment;
  • Circular economy;
  • Private sector contributions to sustainability transitions;
  • Sustainable cities; and
  • Marine pollution, coastal management, and plastics.

The deadline for abstracts is May 1, 2023.

Find out more on the GEF Independent Evaluation Office website.