We are delighted to share the new 2024-2029 CES Strategic Plan.
Renewal of the 2019-2024 Strategic Plan was an important opportunity for engagement with Chapters and partners on the progress made on our previous aspirations, and how we want to move forward in the next five years.
In general, we heard that the CES vision, mission, and priority areas of Elevate, Engage, and Advocate remain relevant. However, a number of revisions reflect a shared desire to broaden inclusion in the profession, strengthen collaboration among professional networks, and cultivate the enabling environment for evaluation use.
One important update was to integrate the three core values from the CES Ethics Guidance for evaluation practice as a driver for how we operationalize our strategic priorities and objectives.
Work planning for 2024-2025 is applying preliminary input we have gathered about Strategic Plan implementation, and will continue engagement with members and partners on how to advance shared values, priorities and objectives.
Many thanks to CES Strategic Planning Working Group members and everyone who contributed to the review and renewal processes as key informants, National and Chapter Board members, and partners.