Can't Make It In Person? Register to Participate Virtually in the Conference
Highlights Calendar Icon April 15, 2024

Can't Make It In Person? Register to Participate Virtually in the Conference

Did you know that CES offers low-cost virtual access to five key events at its 2024 conference?

  • Opening Ceremony, starting at 8:30 a.m. Atlantic Time (11:30 UTC) on May 5
  • First Keynote with Dr. Roland Chrisjohn, who will discuss mixed methods within Indigenous science, starting at 9:00 a.m. Atlantic Time (12:00 UTC) on May 5
  • Second Keynote with Patricia Rogers, founder of BetterEvaluation, starting at 9:00 a.m. Atlantic Time (12:00 UTC) on May 6
  • Keynote plenary on ethics in evaluation with a panoply of key speakers, starting at 10:30 a.m. Atlantic Time (13:30 UTC) on May 7
  • Closing Ceremony, starting at 12:00 p.m. Atlantic Time (15:00 UTC) on May 7

Registration for these virtual events, which you can access through Zoom, carries a low cost of $50 CDN for CES members, $100 for non-members, and $10 students, CES new practitioners, and Global South evaluators.

What a great option for those who can’t visit Fredericton this year! Consider this professional development opportunity and register now to benefit from these fabulous events.

Note that AI-based captioning and translation into 57 languages will be available through your personal devices.