Join the Friends of The Student Case Competition!
Highlights Calendar Icon March 19, 2024

Join the Friends of The Student Case Competition!

Did you ever want to give back to our profession and help build for the future?  The CES-CESEF Student Case Competition is a well established, high level, pressure packed, and challenging learning experience for post secondary students with an interest in program evaluation.  In February, student teams from across the country had 5 hours to prepare their response to a request for proposal. The final 3 teams are invited to compete at the CES National Conference before a live audience in Fredericton, New Brunswick.

Your support and that of our evaluation community is essential for the success of this competition. Donations cover around 40% of the funds needed to pay travel, food, accommodation, and conference fees for the finalist teams. As you probably know, the search fo

r donations is a challenge every year.  Friends of the Student Case Competition is a new opportunity for individuals and smaller organizations to show their support for the students. You can join this friendly group by donating $25 to $99 at the CESEF website. Benefits include:

  • A CESEF charitable tax receipt
  • A recognition on the CES-CESEF Student Case Competition website
  • Announcement through the CES-CESEF Student Case Competition social media.

If you are able to donate $100 or more, please check out Sponsors at the Student Evaluation Case Competition website for information on our partnership opportunities (Bronze, Silver and Gold).

Make the difference! Become a Friend today and support the best of our aspiring future evaluators.

Please spread the word and encourage your colleagues to contribute to the success of the competition!