Seeking 10 Pilot Testers for e-Institute Qualitative Data Analysis Course
Highlights Calendar Icon March 12, 2024

Seeking 10 Pilot Testers for e-Institute Qualitative Data Analysis Course

Join our team of pilot testers and gain exclusive access to our brand-new e-institute course, “Qualitative Data Analysis.”

This self-paced course covers all aspects of qualitative data analysis including creating an analytic framework, creating a codebook, coding data, selecting software to analyze qualitative data, increasing the trustworthiness of the analysis, and presenting qualitative data in reports.

To be a pilot tester, you should:

  • Be a CES member in good standing;
  • Have basic familiarity with the multiple perspectives, methods and goals associated with qualitative designs;
  • and Recognize the value and role of qualitative design in the evaluation landscape.

As a pilot tester, you'll receive complimentary access to the course in exchange for providing constructive and insightful feedback.

Before volunteering, please ensure you:

  • Have time in your schedule to complete the course between April 8 and 27 (15-25 hours, depending on your level of knowledge and learning style);
  • Are available on April 29 and 30 at 12pm-1pm ET for one-hour focus group. (Meeting times will be confirmed once pilot testers are selected.)

If you are interested in contributing to the launch of this course, please send an email to We will contact the first 10 qualified members with further instructions.