New Webinar on March 29 - Alternative Evaluation: A Tapestry of Perspectives to Nurture the Culture of Evaluation
Highlights Calendar Icon March 12, 2024

New Webinar on March 29 - Alternative Evaluation: A Tapestry of Perspectives to Nurture the Culture of Evaluation

Alternative Evaluation: A Tapestry of Perspectives to Nurture the Culture of Evaluation March 29, 2024: 12pm-1pm ET

How about really shaking up the foundations of evaluation practice?

In this initiative, we believe that changing practices begins with changing concepts and understanding contexts, bringing new (and not at all new) ontologies, to change epistemologies and transform methodologies.

Join us for this free webinar on "Alternative Evaluation," a collective and collaborative project that aims to be the hub of different ontologies applied to evaluation methodologies. Indigenous evaluation perspectives, decolonized evaluation, southern evaluation, Culturally Responsive Evaluations, ethnic, religious and gender perspectives in evaluations from around the world come together here, to facilitate analysis, reflection and reflexivity of evaluators.

It seeks to amplify the criteria, the evaluation questions and indicators, promoting really useful evaluations for decision makers in the public sector, but also for principals and recipients in a community or a special sector, and make a difference.

The presentation will show a website created to this end, to easily navigate and use the information, and will share some common issues and differences between cases, highlighting good practices and challenges.


About the Presenter: Celeste Ghiano, PhD, is the current general coordinator of ReLAC (Latin America and the Caribbean Network of Monitoring, Evaluation and Systematization) - 2021-2024.  She is a Political Scientist, and holds a Ph.D. in Public Administration, with a dissertation about Professionalization in Evaluation in Latin America and the Caribbean. With more than 15 years as a lecturer and a researcher in political science and public administration – planning and evaluation – in different universities in Argentina and Latin America, and as a public policy trainer in Córdoba Subnational Government, she also coordinates different academic programs since 2015.

She has served as international consultant in Evaluation and  National Evaluation Capacities Development (NECD) for WFP- UN; DEval/ GIZ-; UNICEF; UNESCO; IADB; FLACSO. She is also an active member in EvaluAR (Argentinian Evaluation Network) since 2013, serving on the board from 2019-21, a member of the Board of Trustees in IOCE, as ReLAC representative, and the current chair of the Professionalization Task Force in IOCE.