Explore the C2023 Workshops – and Register Now!
Highlights Calendar Icon March 29, 2023

Explore the C2023 Workshops – and Register Now!

C2023 offers a stellar collection of professional development workshops. An all-star cast of Canadian and international evaluation leaders will conduct 23 workshops in both English and French covering an extraordinarily wide range of topics.

On June 17, 8 workshops will take place online and will therefore be accessible from anywhere in the world. Access to the online workshops is not attached to registration to the conference: anyone can register. However, in order to ensure meaningful dialogue, attendance will be limited, so register early!

Here is a taste of what will be offered at online workshops (title in the language of workshop delivery):

  • Salah Eddine Bouyousfi: "The Emergence of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data: A Threat to the Supremacy of Social Scientists or an Opportunity for Evaluators to Depict a Social Transformative Change?"
  • Coumba Toure: "Evaluating Funders and Grantmakers Fostering Learning"
  • Jean Serge Quesnel: "Panorama mondial de l'évaluation dans un monde changeant"
  • Leslie Fierro, Jennifer Hughes, Rebecca Gokiert: "Developing the Future of Evaluation Capacity Building"
  • Mike Trevisan, Tamara Walser: "The Transformative Power and Potential of Evaluability Assessment"
  • Jean Serge Quesnel: "Diversité et complémentarité systémique des approches d'évaluation des interventions publiques"
  • Thomas Archibald: "Evaluative Thinking to Enhance Evaluation Capacity and Quality"
  • Jerome Leblanc: "Formation en récolte des effets (outcome harvesting)"

On June 18, 15 workshops will take place in person. Access to the in-person workshops is limited to conference registrants for now. Places are limited, so register early!

Here is a taste of what will be offered at in-person workshops (title in the language of workshop delivery):

  • Simon Roy, Pascale Latulippe: "Techniques d'analyse qualitative et quantitative pour données qualitatives"
  • Karolina Kaminska: "How to Start the Conversation about Corporate Evaluation and Performance Measurement Strategies in your Organization"
  • Joseph Travers: "Paradise by the Dashboard Light: A Beginner's Crash Course in Power BI"
  • A. Sidiq Ali: "The Art and Science of Producing Effective Infographics"
  • Ian Hopwood, Susan Igras, Mamadou Ndiaye, Coumba Touré: "Pour et par des Jeunes : A la découverte des outils et méthodes d'évaluation favorisant la participation des adolescents et des jeunes"
  • Kadjo Samuel Alain Kouakou: "Meta évaluation des politiques publiques et qualité des évaluations"
  • Susan M Wolfe, Ann W Price: "Engaging the Community in Participatory Evaluation"
  • Jeanne Zimmer, Sandra Ayoo: "Conflict Management and Negotiation Skills for Evaluators in a Changing and Dynamic World"
  • Jennica Nichols, Maya Lefkowich: "Beginner Arts-Based Evaluation Methods: Exploring Multi-Sensory Data Collection with Collage and Body Mapping"
  • Keiko Kuji-Shikatani, Charmagne Campbell-Patton, Wendy Rowe: "Evaluator Competencies for Global-Local (GLOCAL) Inquiry in 'Learning as We Go'"
  • Carolyn Hoessler, Brian Hoessler: "Readying More Equitable Spaces: A Workshop on Stretching Perspectives"
  • Gail Vallance Barrington, Vanessa Anastasopoulos: "Consulting Skills Express"
  • John Gargani, Robert McLean: "Scaling Impact: New Ways to Plan, Manage, and Evaluate Scaling"
  • Michael Patton: "Blue Marble Evaluation as Theory of Transformation"
  • Kaireen Chaytor, Tyler Campbell, Miranda Mackie: "Internal Evaluation: Naming and Claiming Contribution"