Last Call: Nominations for CES National Board President Open Until March 20, 2024
Highlights Calendar Icon March 15, 2024

Last Call: Nominations for CES National Board President Open Until March 20, 2024

The CES is searching for a new president who will hold office for the period July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2026. Nominations will be accepted for four weeks, until March 20, 2024.

The role and duties of the President are outlined in TOR-7: President (included below).

If you have questions or would like to discuss the responsibilities of the President, please contact current President, Andrealisa Belzer, CE, or current Vice-President, Beth Snow, CE.

Interested candidates must provide the following by email:

  • An electronic statement of why they wish to serve in the position and what relevant experience, skills, and knowledge they possess. Assets to highlight may include bilingualism; Credentialed Evaluator (CE) designation; and a demonstrated commitment to CES commitments such as Truth and Reconciliation, equity, diversity, inclusion, and environmental sustainability.
  • An electronic copy of their curriculum vitae with relevant education, employment, and volunteer experience.

Candidates’ submissions will be posted for the membership to review. In the event that more than one valid nomination is received, an electronic vote will be available for membership voting; voting will remain open for 21 calendar days. If only one nomination is received, it will be reviewed for approval by members of the CES Board of Directors, and this person will be acclaimed following the review period.

To be officially nominated, all candidates must send their background information to the CES Secretariat at no later than 12 midnight ET on March 20, 2024.

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Canadian Evaluation Society

TOR-7: President

Roles of the President include:

Promote program evaluation, CES and the PDP in Canada and abroad

  1. Engage with national, provincial, regional, and local governments.
  2. Promote with like‐minded associations.
  3. Inspire media and other important actors.
  4. Ensure partner and service provider relationships are managed (with the Past President).
  5. Communicate proactively with all in the evaluation ecosystem, including users and producers of evaluation.
  6. Represent CES at conferences, meetings of other associations, etc.

Lead the Society

  1. Engage chapters and members in national plans and activities.
  2. Ensure effective internal communications.
  3. Rally the organization around the strategic plan.
  4. Keep membership apprised of issues and solutions.
  5. Produce President ‘s report for CES Annual Report by June 30 of each year.
  6. Leads the meetings of the Board and Executive Committee, the Annual General Meeting, general meetings, and special meetings.

Oversee CES services and activities

  1. Ensure an annual plan for programming is established and carried out (with Executive Committee).
  2. Supports the Annual Conference Host Committee.
  3. Supports and supervises the CES Board Support and Member Relations Contractor.
  4. Be an ex‐officio member of all Standing Committees.
  5. Provide advice and assistance to all CES personnel, structures, and committees.
  6. Ensure finances are being managed (with the Treasurer).

With the assistance of the Board, plan for succession to the Board and Executive Committee

  1. Manages the selection process for Executive Committee positions.
  2. Ensure election/ratification is conducted (with the Past President).
  3. Contribute to the orientation new Board and Executive members.
  4. Orient and transfer knowledge and files to the new President.