Reminder: RFP for CES Ethics Guidance Course Development
Highlights Calendar Icon January 24, 2024

Reminder: RFP for CES Ethics Guidance Course Development

CES is pleased to announce that a refreshed Ethics Guidance with new core value statements for CES members will be released in 2024.

Accompanying this Ethics Guidance will be implementation supports, including a CES e-Institute course focused on its application in Canadian evaluation practice. Through a competitive process, CES is seeking a vendor with knowledge and experience in evaluation, evaluation ethics, and instructional design for online professional education to develop this course.

The RFP can be accessed here. The RFP submission date is February 8, 2024, at 5pm EST.

CES is committed to high standards in ethical practice and looks forward to the release of the refreshed Ethics Guidance and complementary materials for its implementation in evaluation practice.