Donation Requests: Contribute to the 2024 CESEF Silent Auction
Highlights Calendar Icon February 5, 2024

Donation Requests: Contribute to the 2024 CESEF Silent Auction

The Canadian Evaluation Society Educational Fund (CESEF) is happy to announce that it will host a Silent Auction during the upcoming CES 2024 National Conference in Fredericton. This is one of CESEF’s key fundraisers and the Executive of CESEF needs your support to make it a successful and fun highlight of the Conference!  This is an opportunity to support the Canadian Evaluation Society Educational Fund’s professional development opportunities.  To learn more about our programs visit:

At this point, we need your donations, and eventually, your bids at the Conference!

CESEF is an independent, not-for-profit organization that works to develop the evaluation profession across Canada. CESEF provides scholarships, awards, and educational opportunities to students and emerging evaluators to further their knowledge within the field of program evaluation.

Traditionally, items donated for the silent auction include art, jewelry, craft items, wine, chocolates or books.  Any item that you think will garner bids is welcome!  Over the years, arts items reflecting the cultural and regional diversity of our country have been particularly popular.

For more information or to donate an item for the Silent Auction, please contact Maureen Matthew ( You can bring the item with you to the conference in Winnipeg or send it with a colleague.

If you prefer to give a monetary donation, you can do so through the CESEF website:

Charitable receipts will be issued for income tax purposes for both auction item donations and monetary donations.

The silent auction will be held in conjunction with the Opening Reception on Sunday evening, May 5, 2024.  It is a great opportunity to network, enjoy a beverage and have fun bidding against your colleagues while acquiring some great auction items.