Reminder: RFP for CES’ Identity and Demographic Data Project
Highlights Calendar Icon January 8, 2024

Reminder: RFP for CES’ Identity and Demographic Data Project

CES plans to improve our collection of identity and demographic data in order to be more systematic in learning about the diversity of our members. We want to examine if CES’s activities are reaching certain demographic groups or types of members more than others, and if there are groups of evaluators we are not reaching sufficiently.

The data we collect will help to:

  1. Support decisions about how to best reach underrepresented groups;
  2. Better serve the interests of CES members and other evaluators who take part in CES events (such as professional development); and
  3. Optimize experiences of inclusion for all evaluators who connect with CES.

To this end, CES is seeking a contractor with experience in:

  • Assessing identity and demographic data needs in the context of organizations working to change policies and practices, in order to become more inclusive and equitable
  • Identifying promising questions and response options used by relevant organizations to collect identity and demographic data
  • Facilitating consultations and then synthesizing and confirming findings

The Request for Proposals (RFP) for this competitive process can be found here.