CES Webinar : Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Evaluation (in French)
Highlights Calendar Icon November 13, 2023

CES Webinar : Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Evaluation (in French)

Date: December 12, 2023
Time: 12 pm to 1:30 pm ET
Format: Online via Zoom
Cost: Free for CES members and non-members
Language: French

Rapid developments in artificial intelligence (AI) have profoundly changed the way organizations and society operate in recent years. AI's automation and learning capabilities are revolutionizing professional practice in various fields, including evaluation. 

This webinar aims to explore the potential and challenges of integrating AI into evaluation practice. It will also provide an understanding of how AI technologies can be used throughout the evaluation process. Real-world examples of the use of AI in evaluation practice will provide an understanding of the current use of AI in Canada and internationally. 

In addition to presenting the current use of AI in evaluation, webinar participants will also be invited to consider the implications of AI for professional skills and the ethical practice when evaluation is "augmented" by artificial intelligence.