Last Chance: Submit Your Proposals for C2024 Before December 4!
Highlights Calendar Icon November 27, 2023

Last Chance: Submit Your Proposals for C2024 Before December 4!

Don't miss the opportunity to share your expertise, insights and innovative ideas on evaluation. Our conference theme, "Renewal and Confluence: Navigating the Future of Evaluation," is all about exploring the evolving landscape of evaluation.


Whether you have groundbreaking research, creative methodologies, inspiring case studies, or thought-provoking presentations, we want to hear from you. Your contribution can shape the future of evaluation, and your insights can inspire meaningful change.


Submit your proposals today and become an essential part of C2024, which will take place from May 5 to 8, 2024, in Fredericton, New Brunswick. Your expertise can make a difference, and your voice can drive progress.


Visit the conference website for submission details and guidelines. Don't wait any longer; the deadline is approaching fast. Join us in creating an unforgettable conference experience that will leave a lasting impact on the field of evaluation.