Call for Proposals Open: Be Part of the 2024 National Conference
Highlights Calendar Icon November 6, 2023

Call for Proposals Open: Be Part of the 2024 National Conference

We're excited to announce that the Call for Proposals is officially open for our 2024 National Conference! This is your chance to play an integral role in this dynamic event, which will be held from May 5 to May 8, 2024, in Fredericton, New Brunswick.


Our conference theme, "Renewal and Confluence: Navigating the Future of Evaluation," is an open invitation for you to share your expertise, insights and ideas on how evaluation can evolve and thrive in an ever-changing landscape. It's about shaping the future together.


Whether you have groundbreaking research, innovative methodologies or compelling case studies to present, we welcome your proposals. This is an opportunity to contribute to the ongoing conversation about how evaluation can adapt, innovate, and anticipate the future.


The submission deadline for proposals is December 4, 2023. To learn more and submit your proposal, please visit our conference website.


We look forward to receiving your submissions and creating an unforgettable conference experience.