CES Reinvigorates Its Mentoring Initiative
Highlights Calendar Icon October 25, 2023

CES Reinvigorates Its Mentoring Initiative

The Canadian Evaluation Society's greatest asset is the experience and expertise of its members. To foster confidence and connection for evaluators at any career stage, CES has revamped its Mentoring Initiative so you can access it through your existing CES member account.

The easy-to-use mentoring platform will soon be available, along with a suite of supports and suggestions for establishing successful mentoring relationships.

Do you need a mentor? Could you be a mentor? Please consider - you’ll be able to sign up soon!

Our Mentoring Initiative is free for members and you can register as a mentor, mentee or both! Signing up will take just a few minutes, and you can search for a mentor or notify others of your availability to mentor them immediately.

Stay tuned!

P.S. If you are using the current mentoring site, this site is going to be shut down when we switch over to the new site in about a month’s time. Please make sure to copy any information you want to include in the new site.

P.P.S. If you’ve been part of a successful evaluation mentorship and would like to share your experience, please let us know. We would love to share your testimonial!