What Do You Know About CES’s Ethical Guidance?
Highlights Calendar Icon October 3, 2023

What Do You Know About CES’s Ethical Guidance?

The CES Guidance for Ethical Evaluation Practice (2020) is being refreshed. It outlines CES’s expectations for members’ ethical practice in all competency domains and in all phases of evaluations. It’s a must-read for all CES members!

We heard CES members’ feedback: guidance updates are based on membership consultations and a review by CES’s Ethical Guidance Working Group. Once complete, the refreshed guidance will be examined by the National Board for final approval. Then it will be available on the CES website. 

A suite of resources and tools (e.g., an online course) to support its implementation will also become available in the coming year – stay tuned!

For more information, consult the Ethical Guidance Working Group’s Terms of Reference or send your questions here.

Members of the Ethical Guidance Working Group

Beth Snow, CE (Vice President, CES National Board)

Betty Onyura, CE

Birgitta Larsson, CE

Donna Bain

Hannah Cook

Jennifer Miller, CE

Josephine Watera, CE

Kate Ahrens

Kelly Wiens

Natalie Kishchuk, CE

Olajamoke Lawal

Rebecca Abavi

Roman Katsnelson

Steve Jacob

Tin Vo, CE

Vanessa Anastasopoulos, CE