Stats in Excel 1 – Available in English and Now in French
Highlights Calendar Icon August 21, 2023
CES e-Institute

Stats in Excel 1 – Available in English and Now in French

The newest CES e-Institute course, “Stats in Excel 1: Tidy Data Sets & Descriptive Statistics,” has received great reviews since its launch late 2022, and we are now pleased to offer it in French as well!

Learn how to set up your spreadsheets, clean your data, choose appropriate analyses, and conduct common descriptive statistics in Microsoft Excel. This self-paced course offers best practices and step-by-step instructions for getting the most out of your data in Excel.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Follow dataset best practices to make data retrieval, cleaning and analysis easier;
  • Use spreadsheet best practices and some features of Excel to ensure data quality assurance and quality control; and
  • Select from and use various descriptive statistics to be able to calculate values and determine conclusions.

“This course was well put together, very well explained and easy to follow.” 

- Recent participant

For more information on this course and all the courses we offer, browse the e-Institute’s course catalogue.

As with all e-Institute courses, CES members get a 20% discount, and CEs get a 30% discount.