Register to C2025 today to benefit from early bird rates!
Highlights Calendar Icon March 9, 2025

Register to C2025 today to benefit from early bird rates!

Registration to the 2025 Canadian Evaluation Society virtual conference is open! Early bird registration fees are in place until April 14. The theme of the conference “Doing Good (In) Evaluation: the Basics and Beyond” will challenge delegates to think deeply and critically about (1) the things they take for granted as ‘evaluation basics’; (2) to go beyond those basics by getting creative, in pushing the field forward, and (3) thinking about transforming evaluation practice—and how, why, when, and where we can most effectively do this.

The overview of the May 12-16 event and the detailed program are available to download. A total of 137 events will take place at the online conference. This includes 3 keynotes, 8 workshops, 9 expert tutorials, 15 leading edge panels, and 77 short presentations or storytelling sessions. Thematic meetups, networking sessions and reflective sessions will offer 5.5 hours of connection time among attendees in addition to all the professional content.