Call for Applications for Members of the CES Credentialing Board
Highlights Calendar Icon January 28, 2025

Call for Applications for Members of the CES Credentialing Board

As part of its continuing efforts on the professionalization of evaluation, the Canadian Evaluation Society (CES) offers to qualified members, through its Professional Designation Program (PDP), a voluntary professional designation: the Credentialed Evaluator (CE). This designation is designed to define, recognize, and promote the practice of ethical, high-quality, and competent evaluation in Canada.  The holder of the CE designation has provided convincing evidence of the requisite skills, knowledge, and practical experience identified by the CES as those necessary to be a competent evaluator.

The CES Credentialing Board (CES-CB) is the decision-making body for the Professional Designation Program. This is a call for applications for members of the Credentialing Board.  


This call is open to all who meet both of the following eligibility requirements: 

  1. Credentialed Evaluator for at least five years, and therefore a current CES member. This includes international members.
  2. Senior evaluator with at least 15 years of experience in the field. This may have been gained through a combination of conducting, managing, or supervising program evaluations; publishing, teaching, and/or advocating.

Note that the Credentialing Board has the authority to accept nominations and recommend individuals who do not fully meet these criteria in order to enable an appropriately diverse composition of the Board as a whole.

All who are interested are encouraged to apply. Based on the current board composition, we are especially encouraging applications from Indigenous people, individuals who are able to review applications in French, and those who are from Atlantic Canada, the Prairies, and Quebec.

Term and responsibilities

CB members serve for three-year terms, renewable twice (maximum nine years). They are tasked with considering the merits of members' application for credentialed status, through confidential review, and making fair, timely, and objective decisions on applications and appeals for the designation using guidelines and criteria established by CES National Board. They are also asked to provide meaningful and substantive input into the ongoing management and development of the PDP. As recognized knowledgeable and experienced experts, CB members act as ambassadors for the CES and the PDP in professional exchanges within the evaluation community domestically and internationally. 

Currently, the 15 active CB members review approximately 10-12 applications per year, using an online system. There is a 15-day service standard in which to complete reviews once assigned. In order to reduce barriers for CB membership, members are entitled to an honorarium; the current rate is $150 per review plus applicable taxes. CB members are also recognized on the CES website. Terms of the CB members selected though this process are expected to begin in spring/summer 2025.  New members will receive training and be mentored by current CB members.

Application and selection processes

To verify your eligibility with respect having held a CE for at least five years, please contact the PDP Applications Administrator at To submit your application, please:  

  • complete this Google Form (with questions about identity characteristics (all questions are optional) to assist the CB Selection Committee to assemble a Credentialing Board that reflects the diversity of CES and of the field, and reflect different perspectives)
  • send the following documents to CES Vice President, Beth Snow, at
  1. Resume (maximum 3-5 pages)

  2. Maximum two-page letter describing: 

  • your interest in being on the Credentialing Board

  • your range and variety of evaluation knowledge and experience:

    • CB members are expected to be able to review CE applications from across the entire range of evaluation practice approaches, types, and settings

  • your contributions to evaluation

    • through professionalization, supporting next-generation evaluators, field advancement, or other means

  1. Letter of reference from a current CES member (maximum 2 pages)

These are the criteria on which applications will be assessed, in the context of Credentialing Board composition as a whole. 

Applications are due by February 14, 2025.

All applications received will be acknowledged. The CB Selection committee, composed of representatives of the current CB, CES National Board, and the CES Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Environmental Sustainability (EDI-ES) Committee will review, in a structured and confidential process, all applications and recommend the selected applicants for approval to the current CB and CES National Board. Up to 10 new CB members may be selected in 2025.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Beth Snow, CES Vice President, at