Inclusive and Equitable Evaluation using a Theory of Change

Congrès 2025 de la SCÉ - Ateliers

Inclusive and Equitable Evaluation using a Theory of Change

Le jeudi 15 mai, 14 h 30 (heure de l'Est)

Titre : Inclusive and Equitable Evaluation using a Theory of Change

Résumé : As evaluators, we are accountable for respectfully and equitably analyzing projects and programs. To promote equity and social justice in our work, it’s crucial to challenge our own epistemological foundations by identifying and testing our biases to consider the ramifications of our practice. 

One such way to do this is by iteratively and deliberately testing a Theory of Change (hear after ToC) throughout the project lifecycle. This workshop will involve a short tutorial followed by an immersive role-playing activity wherein participants take on roles of different stakeholders, funders, and project beneficiaries in a fictitious project. In doing so, participants will reflect on relevant considerations related to evaluation in our changing world, test each other's assumptions, discover new and novel ways to problem-solve using a ToC, and recognize the benefits that this awareness has for the communities and causes we serve.

Présentation : Elizabeth Sweitzer

Type: Atelier d'une demi-journée, 3 heures

Langue : English 

Expertise :I have had the pleasure of delivering and facilitating workshops to hundreds of individuals, from across several different sectors, regions, and languages (English, Spanish and Portuguese). I joined the realm of facilitation by presenting workshops, professional development seminars, and executive education sessions regarding data analysis for public policy professionals, specifically Masters of Public Policy and Masters of European Affairs candidates at the University of Toronto, as well as staff across different departments in the Ontario Public Service. 

Since entering the field of program evaluation in the last 7 years, my workshops have been focused on providing professional development training to staff who were involved in monitoring and evaluation. Workshops covered topics from M&E basics to more advanced topics in theory and practical application. I pride myself in my ability to access diverse and dynamic audiences who come from different cultural and pedagogical traditions than my own. As an educator, I firmly believe that instruction should strive to provide a safe space for all participants and learners, and that approaches should be collaborative.

Niveau : Beginner

Prérequis : Basic understanding of theories of change. 

Objectifs : (1) Understand Theories of Change as a tool and product as well as a process; define key components; learn how to develop a ToC. 

(2) Underpin ethics in the realm of evaluation; understand why and how to test assumptions and the benefits of this practice for evaluation; 

(3) Contextualize the theory (use of Theories of Change as a tool to identify and mitigate ethical issues) in practice; Gain awareness of self through role-playing; identify the circumstances that may result in biases; 

(4) Apply the tools and resources (Theories of Change) to addressing, identifying, and mitigating biases;

Stratégies : This will involve role play, some worksheets, fictitious case studies, polls, and discussion and reflection.