Improving Accessibility of Evaluation Findings for Broader Uptake and Use

Congrès 2025 de la SCÉ - Ateliers

Improving Accessibility of Evaluation Findings for Broader Uptake and Use

Le jeudi 15 mai, 11 h (heure de l'Est)

Titre : Improving Accessibility of Evaluation Findings for Broader Uptake and Use

Résumé : Too often evaluation findings and recommendations have an extremely targeted and short life cycle. After the evaluation findings have been shared with target users, these reports often are left to collect dust on a shelf or buried deep on commissioners’ websites or open-source libraries.

 In this session we aim to Go Beyond the Basics of evaluation practice, by exploring ways that commissioners can adopt a more transparent, equitable and inclusive communications strategy that promotes broader use by synthesising and packaging evaluation evidence into accessible communication products that are digestible and relevant for a broader set of users. For example, between 2017-2019, IDRC commissioned several evaluations on building leaders in research for development, each with a specific purpose and use. IDRC mined the findings and recommendations in these evaluations to produce a series of briefs on Leadership in Research for Development (Leadership in Research for Development | IDRC - International Development Research Centre) These briefs were aimed at organisations funding or implementing research awards and scholarships and/or embedding capacity-building and leadership-building activities in research programs. 

Join to us to learn about this and other examples of how evaluation commissioners have moved beyond evaluation basics to influence policies and programs!

Présentation : Julie LaFrance, Shannon Sutton

Type: Atelier express, 90 minutes

Langue : English 

Expertise : Julie and Shannon have facilitated dozens of workshops on MEL, Evaluation, Gender and Policy Engagement and Communications with IDRC grantees, with a range of NGOs, philanthropies and bilateral agencies. They are both seasoned professional facilitators both in their previous roles as consultants and over 15 years working with IDRC.

Niveau : Intermediate

Prérequis : Basic understanding of approaches for engaging evaluation stakeholders in the design, implementation and use and an intermediate understanding of basic evaluation research design methods and communications approaches.

Objectifs : - Participants will learn evaluation synthesis approaches - Participants will learn how to develop communications strategies and apply communications tools to develop communications products for sharing collections of lessons from across evaluations. - Participants will exchange examples of communication approaches they have used to improve the transparency, accessibility and inclusion for a range of evaluation users.

Stratégies : The workshop will combine presentations, with engaging, fast paced world cafe style format and plenary discussions with questions to prompt engagement from all participants.