New CES-CESEF SEEK Award: Apply Now
Highlights Calendar Icon November 13, 2023

New CES-CESEF SEEK Award: Apply Now

The Canadian Evaluation Society (CES) and the Canadian Evaluation Society Education Fund (CESEF) are pleased to announce the updated Student and Emerging Evaluator advancing Knowledge (SEEK) award.

The SEEK award is a joint initiative from CES and CESEF. The award recognizes exemplary and diverse contributions to the advancement of evaluation theory and/or practice.

Up until this year, the SEEK award competition has been open to full or part-time students, with an applicant requiring to be nominated by a professor.

Aligned with movement throughout CES to recognize and celebrate the diversity of new evaluators and pathways they may take to the field, the new SEEK award is still open to current students, but is now also open to emerging evaluators who have entered the field of evaluation in the last five years, regardless of their post-secondary status. A nomination by a professor will no longer be required.

Candidates are asked to submit a paper of up to 3,000 words on a subject of importance to evaluation, as well as an application form. The deadline for submission for consideration for the next award is January 15, 2024.

There are two awards available: a winner and an honourable mention. Winners and honourable mentions receive:

  • A cash award;
  • Registration fees, travel, accommodation and meals to attend the annual national CES Conference, with costs reimbursed as per CES travel guidelines;
  • Presentation of award at a plenary session at the CES Conference;
  • Publication of project abstract in a CES web news broadcast;
  • Invitation to present a paper session at the CES Conference;
  • Invitation to meet the CESEF Board of Directors; and
  • Mentorship to prepare a practice note for the Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation based on the work submitted for the SEEK award.

Full award details, including eligibility and submission requirements, are available on the CESEF website. Any questions about the award can be directed to Questions in both English and French are welcome.